hosarcher19 #homophobia deviantart.com
For those not in the know, Bryke retconned Kya, Aang and Katarra's daughter who could have been written out of the story and nothing would have changed, into being a homosexual too. Of course it had to be a character with no personality.
Right out the gate, we have proof this is a world that works on Tumblr-shipping logic. Two people just go on a trip together? THEY ARE GAY! These two were barely friends before! Also I know it's a nitpick, but you were never so happy as you were with your "first girlfriend"? "First" implies the relationship is over and she's had others. Are they admitting that homosexuals rarely have monogamous relationships?
I actually predicted that Bryke would retcon Kyoshi into being bisexual because she was a tough, strong woman. I'm sorry, who is re-enforcing gender roles? Because it's not the conservatives here. Why does every tomboy a sexual deviant by default when so called progressives are writing? Also, "real progress"? You mean like when she saved her people from a tyrant? Oh no, Real Progress™ is forcing other people to agree with your point of view. Heck, since the world sees the Avatar as something of a god, why didn't at least most of the world immediately change its tune?
Of course it was super-duper until Sozin showed up! Real-life Asian cultures tend to view homosexuality negatively. While Japan (the culture the Fire Nation was based on) did have a more positive view of it, it was/is seen as a niche fetish, not an alternate lifestyle per say. Its attitudes shifted more to a negative stance when they saw Western civilization cringed and went "Ew." And then that dumb look on Korra's face when she says, "That guy was the worst!" YES! IT WASN'T HIM BETRAYING HIS BEST FRIEND TO ACHIEVE HIS AMBITION THAT MADE HIM THE WORST! IT WASN'T HIS AMBITION ITSELF TO UNITE THE WORLD UNDER HIS RULE! (Because Korra has implied she's for something like that.) NOT EVEN HIS GENOCIDE OF THE AIR-NOMADS! HE'S THE WORST FOR MAKING HOMOSEXUALITY ILLEGAL! Before some stooge says anything, I don't want the government involved with people's personal lives. But priorities, woman!