Jews vs Jesus #racist
NBC delayed broadcasting Jewish journalist Lisa Meyers’ interview with Juanita Broaddrick linked below, about Bill Clinton raping Broaddrick, until after the Senate voted not to remove Clinton from office. The Jews’ media hid this Clinton rape from the public as long as possible. People who knew about it kept asking why is the media so intent on hushing up the rape of JB.
After the Jews’ media cover-up and silence on this Clinton rape became a big scandal in itself, NBC finally aired the toned-down, damage-control interview with JB linked below. BUT the Jews delayed broadcasting Clinton’s rape until AFTER the Senate voted not to remove Clinton from office. Just as the Jews’ media strategically timed the JB rape broadcast for AFTER the Senate voted on Clinton’s removal from office, the Jews’ media has now waited until just BEFORE the vote for Roy Moore in his election.
The Zionist Jews hate Moore because he fought against removing the Ten Commandments from the courthouse and because Moore strongly opposed pro-queer laws. The Jews’ media covered for Clinton, did all they could to protect Clinton from his very serious charges on sex crimes. But the Jews’ media is now doing all they can to destroy Roy Moore for his far less serious allegations.
The Jews media attacks on Roy Moore have nothing to do with justice for women and everything to do with preventing a sincere Christian from being elected. It’s all about the Zionist destruction of Christianity and nothing else. Zionists don’t want Christians in power, in political office. FoxJews has jumped on the Jews media bandwagon to destroy Moore. Fox guarding the henhouse news occasionally shows their true colors like with this. FoxNews pretends to be pro Christian while they broadcast their subtle poison by helping the rest of the Jews’ media poison the election for Roy Moore.
The worst accusations to come out against Roy Moore so far is that he touched a woman over her clothing. But of course the Jews’ media reports it as sexual assault trying to make it seem like something Bill Clinton did. If Moore was accused by somebody besides Jews’ media stooges, it might be something to take serious. But the media has a wicked history of protecting evil doers like Clinton while smearing squeaky clean Chrisitians like Michele Bachman.
Whether Roy Moore even saw or knew the so-called victim 40 years ago is anybody’s guess. The mass media attacks on Moore imply that he really is a Christian. Otherwise the Jews media wouldn’t attack Moore so viciously. It goes without saying that the Jews media did all they could to limit the damage to Slick Willie in the rape interview with JB.