I would say it would be fair and rational to have :
age of consent – 12
voting age – 18
combat role age – 21
Got a bunch of 12 yo in this summer camp right now. They're basically all eyes and teeth stretched out to five feet.
And don't even get me started on their decision making skills. Cool kids but they're about as mature and appealing as a hard green banana.
Spacing out voting and national service just reinforces that you recognize the lack of mental faculty and life experience of the girls you want to molest. Fuck you, quit trying to justify the unjustifiable and claiming that we agree with you in secret when we're more likely waiting for you to walk into the wrong alley.
I would say that hell would freeze over first, if I believed in hell.
Tell me, did you ever really TALK with a 12-year-old? Do that first, then try to tell us that they could give "informed consent". Try to tell us that a little girl would make a fit parent for a child. Try to tell us how that little kid, educated only up to the 6th grade, can make a living to support a baby.
Here's a radical idea. If they aren't old enough to be trusted to make an informed decision on the direction of their country, then maybe, just maybe they aren't old enough to make an informed decision on HAVING SEX!
Crazy idea. I know.
No. If you have obligations, you must have rights to compensate. You participate in social life by endangering yourself for the sake of community, said community must give you a right in return to compensate.
Also, age of consent has nothing to do with the rest.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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