SlowCollapse & pennygadget #transphobia

1 in 6 Hiring Managers have been told to stop hiring white men

( SlowCollapse )
Not gender-related you may say?

But consider this. There is one and only one way for a 'straight white male' to opt out of that lowest-of-the-low identity. Transition! - and that gets them directly to a triple oppression combo, trans/woman/lesbian, suddenly they're precious 'diverse individuals', in high demand by DEI-driven hiring.

Is the demonisation of the 'straight white male' a factor in the rise of trans identities? This isn't related to anger at men for their violence and mistreatment of women, it's about the weaponisation of intersectionality to create a common enemy of all 'oppressed groups', and lash out at it. It has been enabled by the redefinition of words, 'you can't be racist against whites or sexist against men', the same weaponisation of language that has empowered the trans movement.

( pennygadget )

Is the demonisation of the 'straight white male' a factor in the rise of trans identities?

I absolutely believe that it is. How can a White Man resist doing something simple to take himself from the bottom of the oppression stack to the top? Especially if he runs in leftist circles and it will benefit him in multiple avenues?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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