Various Commenters #conspiracy #crackpot #racist #wingnut
I always wonder why liberal whites get emotional about the black IQ. If you talk about white hispanic difference, it doesnt steer up this kind of emotional response. The black IQ is always the main talking point that puts them in denial.
60 years of infused guilt and self hate from television and movies from you know who.
If the human mind can be brainwashed by simple propaganda to deny reality then the human mind is weak or not as intelligent as I expected or maybe they know the truth about black iq but deny it on purpose for some reason that I dont know
Because Liberal Whites know the truth and cannot face it.
But why? What do they have to lose if they acknowledge that? Why are they worried so much about the blacks who want to destroy them?
(Cheri Rodriguez)
Hispanic and white are more alike culturally?
Colombian is supposedly the purest Spanish spoken in Latin America. At work a few years back there were some instructions written in Spanish and a Colombian woman read them and then said—"Who the hell wrote this, a Puerto Rican?" Colombia is one South American country I'd like to visit...
(Standup Broad)
Acquaintance is Columbian, when she speaks Spanish the physical response by Mexicans is a sight to behold; their shoulders drop and their heads tilt and decline, it's as if they hear their master's voice. The "blancas" of Columbia, Argentina, and Chile do not socialize with, or hire (above the level of service worker), those with other-than-pure blood.
Because Hispanics and whites both accept the Platonic order. Blacks don't. It doesn't give them enough station and power.