These Last Days Ministries #fundie #homophobia

“‘Day of Silence’ is about coercing students to repudiate traditional morality. It’s time for Christian parents to draw the line – if your children will be exposed to this DOS propaganda in their school, then keep them home for the day,” he said.

The “Day of Silence” promotion is intended, ostensibly, to make students “aware” of the “discrimination” suffered by homosexuals in society, by having students remain silent for the day. Such events typically are organized by a school’s “Gay-Straight Alliance” group, but the event has been promoted for its previous 11 years by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, an organization with the agenda of establishing homosexual advocacy organizations such as GSAs in all schools in the nation.

The pro-family coalition said the event “is designed to pressure students to regard homosexual, bisexual, and transgender behavior as normal and worthy.” It said the teaching environment is disrupted by the event because some students “and even some teachers” remain silent through the school day.



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