Various TERFs #sexist #transphobia
RE: A nice illustration of physiologic and interpersonal AGP, misogyny, and libfem idiocy.
Enjoy the door holding and catcalls. That's what feminism is based on, for you to be you.>
they're rewriting feminism history under our own eyes
"Imma get a pussy, sum tiddies, hips, an ass..."
At the end of the day, this is how men see us. To them we're just a walking set of holes and fleshy body parts. "Transwomen" are no different to normal men.
And no girl, feeling happy about getting catcalled isn't weird at all. And if it is, we're both weird then. I'm honestly looking forward to getting catcalled one day as it would just validate me that much more. Even if it is pretty annoying XD.
I want to leave this planet
I had to step away from the computer.
These men see the worst parts of womanhood as sexually arousing and fun. There's no getting to them.
I'm at the point where I don't believe any of those commenters are actually women. When I read, "As a cis woman, ...." I see "As a TIM who is even more smugly delusional than OP, ..."