Linda Harvey #fundie #wingnut
Today I am asking you to search your hearts.
Both conservatives and progressives in America claim to support human rights. But when confronted with the logical consequences of our ideas, which position ends up at a truly humane destiny?
No matter what a person does later, he or she first deserves the right to live. Every human deserves to have that birthright preserved and protected, even if others close at hand devalue that life.
Some mothers-to-be decide their unborn children do not deserve to live.
My husband was reading the headlines earlier this week about yet another level of atrocity committed by Hamas terrorists against the citizens of Israel. The bodies of decapitated infants were discovered among the victims.
As he read the headlines, my husband noticed the hypocrisy. “How can abortion ‘rights’ supporters be horrified at beheaded babies? It’s the same thing.”
No one should be advocating or excusing a child’s death. Many desperate women have done so, and they will continue to consent to sex when they don’t want a child, or be exploited by men who won’t make that commitment either, until that temptation is not as available. When that happens, people will find it within themselves to think more ethically about the potential life they may be creating, and to treat that child with the respect he or she deserves.
For those who have made the decision to abort, or who allow others to do this for them, repentance is the key. Our God is always merciful and millions of women and men have sorrowfully realized their mistake. Their recovery stories have fueled the pro-life movement. And I don't say this lightly. I was, several decades ago, on the other side of this issue as a pro-"choice" advocate and even a volunteer with Planned Parenthood. I have asked God to forgive me for the people I misled and the damage I did.
God is merciful but He is not mocked. Supporting an abortion law, while believing you have repented--- will not fool Him.