Various commenters #wingnut

(submitters note: responding to this meme: image)

This is one of their most effective manipulative arguments because pro-lifers fail to respond properly.

We should all remember that reducing crime isn't the purpose of the law.

Not that what they are saying is true, but that it's irrelevant.


Not that what they are saying is true, but that it's irrelevant.

How is is "irrelevant"?

Even if you remain convinced that abortions should be outlawed, why would you not, in the meantime, push lawmakers to implement policies that are already know to reduce the number of abortions occurring?

"Give us free stuff so we don't murder our kids." Seems legit.

If you see abortion as murder, whether banning it reduces abortions should not matter, as abortion is wrong enough to be illegal regardless.

If banning abortion doesn’t reduce the number of abortions, then what are pro-abortion people whining about right now?

Tbf, pro choicers are upset that the abortions are still happening outside the law in unsafe conditions that endanger the mothers' health. From my observations, even pro choicers who are personally against abortion prefer that it remains legal so that women who inevitably get them aren't endangering their lives trying to diy or go to unregulated illegal facilities

To be fair hiring an assassin for a baby shouldn't ever be safe. Change my mind.

In Texas it only reduced abortions overall by 10% because woman who want one and can travel will do so. (You can legislate it all you want, but there will always be demand for abortion- there has been for all of human history.) The reductions in abortion were mostly among women too poor to travel.

10% sounds great, especially if we also get to rightly state in law that murder is illegal. As more states ban abortion, that reduction should increase, too. Eventually, we get a federal ban put in place. As you said, murder will still happen, as it always has - but it should still be illegal.



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