["I choose prolife for myself, but I'm pro choice because I can't possibly make that decision for someone else." That to me is the correct and wise religious answer.]
That sounds so good if we were not talking about the life of a child. Does a man have the right to kill his daughter? Is it right that I can say, you have a choice in the matter because this is your child and not mine?
For centuries men have had that right. Women have now taken that right from men and have applied it to themselves. Women now have the power of life and death over their young.
It was wrong when men abused this power and it is equally wrong that women can know use this power.
" Does a man have the right to kill his daughter?"
Comparison does not work because a born daughter has senses, thoughts, feelings, is biologically independent, and has social connections. A fetus does not.
"Women now have the power of life and death over their young."
Seeing as how they are the ones who have to give birth to them and make sure that they poison them during the 9-months spent bearing them...it MAKES SENSE.
It was wrong when men abused this power and it is equally wrong that women can know use this power.
So it was wrong when men abused this power and it now it is equally wrong that women can use this power?
You sexist asshole, go die in a fire.
Read your Bible. Read what Lot was preparede to do to his virgin daughters.... Submit them to mass rape and probably death from it.
Are you an idiot, or just plain stupid that you don't read your book? If I were your pastor I would haul you out every Sunday to read ten chapters before the whole congregation.
Actually, once you're born, nobody has the right to end your life besides the government, for military / justice purposes.
Ironically, she's only a moderate fundie, some of them there are jaw dropping.
Though, the "liberal" fundies there are even more funny to listen to, they get a little too worked up to do anything other than make word salads most of the time.
@Kenny: Fukken saved!
So if the husband didn't want a kid, it was his duty to push his wife down the stairs?
Makes perfect sense. Now how about I push you down the stairs into a hole?
That sounds so good if we were not talking about the life of a child. Does a man have the right to kill his daughter? Is it right that I can say, you have a choice in the matter because this is your child and not mine?
And these same people tell us that we are all God's Children and that gives God the right to kill us all if he so wishes...
Wait, wait, wait... whaaat? It's bad that now women have ownership of their own bodies? Women are not property, men have no rights over anyone's body except their own. Your "rights" end when you decided to copulate without using suitable protection, which you had the choice to do. Once that cock snot leaves you, that's it.
Women have had to deal with men's shitty options for centuries - all the bloody responsibility (even to the point of being responsible for the behavior of men) and none of the choice. Suck it up. You don't have the right to force anyone to bear your septic seed.
Men have had the right to kill their daughters for centuries? Not in America, the UK or any other vaguely civilised countries.
Then again, the bible does say that it's okay to have your kids stoned to death if they're disobedient. How delightfully pro-life.
Perhaps he has confused the fact that traditionally men's roles included fighting and killing in war, and executing condemned people, with a god-ordained *right* to do these things.
Such that he thinks killing is man's job and power, and isn't women's job or power.
So now he sees women "killing their babies" through abortions and gets all indignant because he perceives it as a usurpation of man's power. Next he'll fuss about women's suffrage.
Or perhaps he's just dumb. Yes, maybe that's it.
It's not a child, it is a zygote, embryo, fetus, etc. with the increasing potential to become a child. Or the potential to be rejected at any point and become one with the Sewerlands.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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