Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #homophobia #transphobia

June is a tough month for many of us here. Between rainbow-dyed lattes sold at Starbucks, politically (but not grammatically or factually) correct emails from human resources, and roads blocked by another parade, we need to somehow get through the month of “celebrations” with dignity, sanity, and sobriety. I don't know your strategy, but I turn to nature, mindless youtube videos, and humor. Here is my ode to Pride Month. And please, share your non-violent coping strategies.

On the 12th day of Pride month,
the a-holes gave to me
Twelve "perfect allies",
Eleven dudes in dresses,
Ten girls with beards,
Nine meowing furries,
Eight nasty groomers,
Seven rainbow colors,
Six-pack Budweiser,
Five neopronouns,
Four rainbow lanyards,
Three Pride parades,
Two progress stickers,
And a pride flag in a pear tree.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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