An Armchair Geopolitical Analyst #racist #wingnut #conspiracy
Because everyone—as in EVERYONE— is up in arms about the spasmodic Ukraine peace process, it really begs the question: Who and what is behind this epic Khazarian clusterfuck?!
Well, you now know the “Who?” (read: Khazarian Cabal), but how about the “Why?”.
Trust us, it’s complicated. VERY Complicated indeed! So here’s a brief EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for folks to wrap their brains around while we flesh out the skeleton of this epochal Khazarian clusterfuck over the coming week.
First it’s important to properly understand that the Khazarian Cabal set up the original predatory capitalism and kleptocratic communist paradigms during the formative stages of the Northern Italian Black Nobility throughout the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
• For example, the Khazarian oligarchs in Russia have their goals in Ukraine just as the Khazarian oligarchs from the United States and Ukraine do. Then there are the Khazarian oligarchs in Europe who align with Ukraine’s oligarchs, but not with the USA or Russia. Which is exactly why we are now seeing the American Neocon Zionists that dominate the Trump administration make common cause with the conservative Putin administration, which is closely allied with the orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Judaism and their politically appointed Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.
• There are different wars and battles currently raging in this global resource war for land and water, power plants and ports, gold and silver, uranium and diamonds, oil and gas, rare earth minerals and metals, etc. For whoever controls the territory, controls the land, water as well as all natural resources and vital infrastructure. Ukraine happens to have a wealth of all of these things and, therefore, is being subjected to extraordinary pressures by the competing groups of Khazarian oligarchs who each want maximum control and/or ownership of that hapless geographic area.