Various Commenters #conspiracy #racist #sexist #wingnut
RE: NYC’s Spence School Showed Video That ‘Tarred and Feathered’ White Women: Ex-Trustee
(Vox Nihili)
Hispanic tech exec Gabriela Baron fired off a scorched-earth letter — shown to her eighth-grade daughter and classmates on graduation day — seething that the video “openly derides, humiliates and ridicules white women.
“Is Ziwe’s video somehow not racist and acceptable to Spence because it attacks whites?”
I keep saying here, and to any female in my actual life who might be receptive: White women will not be spared. Being female only puts us the tiniest smidge ahead of white men on the 'World's Most Hated' list. Our color is far more important than our sex to our enemies, AND IT SHOULD BE TO US TOO.
Any White women with any connection to reality knows that a White world is the only world in which they are respected.
I think the disconnection from reality is the problem with whites.
(ssbbh 1987)
Sometimes its seems that large portion of white women lives in some kind of a bubble/parallel universe where white women are universally loved and appreciated by everyone for their display of hatred for anything white, lol.
Aligning with POCs/LGBTQ/Feminists will not save you.
Short term, maybe, long term absolutely not.
Just like white gays/lesbians/trans are learning fast that their sexual orientation does not trump race.
You are all still white.
Feminism was the death of White political dominance in America. If using Non-Whites as a political tool will stop, then Feminism will be far and above all other factors that caused the end of the White Race. Nothing has ever destroyed White Unity, traditions, values or strength to the point Feminism has. Nothing.