Various Commenters #transphobia
Bad journalism 101: Don't EVER say most/majority when referring to a group or opinion, ESPECIALLY on opinion pieces. Good job, LGBTQIA2+ nation.
( IrishTheFrenchie )
So Rowling isn't allowed to convey the beliefs of actual LGB's who have contacted her, but TRAs are allowed to speak for "most" or "all" members of that very same group who they haven't spoken to or asked what they think?
Got it.
( ArmedFemme )
It's just mansplaining in a different font.
( mathlover )
The "vast majority" of "lesbians" in the "LGBTQ community" aren't lesbians at all. They are heterosexual men or bi/straight women. It's fine to use most/majority when it's true.
( ArmedFemme )
Also, referring to "we've" as in the reader agrees or has seen your perspective is really bad. Like, lose your job bad. This shows how this was never journalism to begin with, it's an echo chamber of agreement between TRA's.
( IrishTheFrenchie )
I’m starting to realize that most of what we think is journalism is actually propaganda.
( KissMyOvaries )
(Many of) The lesbians who are supportive of the movement are the same lesbians who are not on the forefront. They are well settled into long term relationships and have not been pressured to have sex with a penis person who claims to be a woman. These are out of touch women who don’t know the truth of what’s happening. Source: this is what I see with older lesbians I personally know IRL.
Edit. And to clarify, none of these lesbians have overlapping social circles. I know them all in different contexts.