Vanessa Vokey #transphobia

(Transscript of song sung)

Pronouns are rohypnol
Cause they try to numb your senses
If you can't tell it's a dude in a dress
You must need contact lenses

Cause Lesbians don't have penises
There's no such thing as a girl-dick
These fetishists just won't back off
I suspect they ALL are porn-sick

These adult men believe they're "girls"
But what does that really mean?
Depictions of females raped and abused
On pornhubs most watched video streams

Cause female is not an identity
You can put on when its pleasing
Its the cycle of the moon and tides
The life giving and bleeding

Do not call us vulva-owners
Babies are not fed by our chests
Stop erasing our experiences
And STOP sexualizing the function of breasts

younger gays are being told that they
Were born in the wrong body
Only perverts lie to kids about
Sex and human anatomy

Grooming is what predators do
They stalk their unwitting prey
MAPS are openly promoting their sickness
On Twitter and YouTube every single day

So if you're sick of this assault on truth
And you can't understand how we got this fucked
Share this song to all your friends
(Especially that one with his dick tucked)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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