insanus virginem #racist #crackpot

(Note: They are reacting to a video of a, probably drunk, woman getting naked while standing on the top of a car.)

RE: [NSFW] Female Privilege..Imagine If a man did this.

If it'd been a black guy, the coroner would be cracking his rib cage open right about now. A white guy would just have to register as a sex offender.

If it's a blackcel or any deathnic his corpse would be turned to mush by 50 cal rounds.

Are BLM niggers infecting this space too? A white homeless guy is far more likely to get brutalized by police than a nigger. A naked white man would get his skull caved in by the cops while the nigger would be babied like a big black baby that he is especially after nigger life matter protests becoming mainstream. No cop wants another "I cant breeef case on his hands"



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