The entertainment industry is predominantly Jewish. Gene Simmons of the Rock band KISS is really Chaim Witz, Jewish. Jon Stewart's full name is Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, Jewish. I'm not bashing Jews, I'm just pointing out that the entertainment industry is so Jewish that a deliberate attempt has been made for decades to hide it from the general public.
I love Jewish people as much as anyone else. I love Muslims. I love all people. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for all people, to pay for our sins. The issue is not about racism at all; but rather, the powers that are in control of Hollywood, the newsmedia, The White House, major corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank, our school system, the CFR, the United Nations, et cetera. You'd be surprised to know. Please watch, Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati by Pastor Texe Marrs.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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