(Submitter’s Note: Even more whining from shawn and his “get woke go broke” meme that ignores Captain Marvel’s existence)
I’m not a football fan but goddamn how the mighty have fallen! So that woke well dried up, hm? Look, everyone has every right to protest and have their voices heard but when you bring business and money into it...there’s a limit. These companies love money and social justice isn’t paying the bills so what’s the alternative? I’m not saying you can’t protest but when you bring these companies into it, they’ll suck you dry until you’re not profitable anymore. You gotta keep your politics and your business separate. I know SJWs are gonna cry censorship while trying to censor others but they’re too fucking stupid to see the hypocrisy.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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