Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut
There is trouble in the progressive ranks. The woke are increasingly angry with President Biden because of Israel and Palestine.
The split within the Democratic Party over Israel will be more important than the supposed division within the Republican Party over the January 6 protests. The Coalition of the Fringes could fracture over whether Israelis are white.
Neither the GOP nor the Democratic party care much about America’s national interests. Both sides seem far more passionate about who wins a tribal war in the Middle East than they do about America First.
Here’s a sighting of the American paradox. Was America built around white nationalism or racial equality?
Apartheid states aren’t democracies.
The voices like @AOC truly represent America and the foundation of the country and the values which were once part of it.
The position here is that America was built on egalitarianism. However, didn’t racist Anglo-Saxons create America and her institutions?
This tweet is from a member of Congress.
There's a Black maternal health crisis going on in our country, Ted. We die at 3X the rate of white people during childbirth. Our children die more often during childbirth.
There’s no real evidence that “racism” kills black infants. White infants die more often than Hispanic infants, in what the Huffington Post caused the “Latino Health Paradox.” Race realists know there is no paradox. Races are different and this has consequences. However, since we can’t admit this, we get absurd theories about white racism.