[OP is referring to Japanese men.]
They also have tiny little baby penises
What’s with you and your obsession with baby penises? That seems a little suspicious to me…
Seriously, this bitch’s comment history is filled with anti-Asian racism.
...and when you say things like that, don't be surprised when you become '[removed]', OP.
So many subs sunk in Reddit: yet, HMS r/Ashens is still afloat.
Teacher give a lesson about Japanese history, literature, culture, etc.
Racist: Well I think on average my dick is bigger than an Asian’s, and I’m tall so I think I can take them in a fight! That makes me the superior man! Screw their sissy history and tea ceremonies.
Same teacher indicates a physically imposing black classmate attending on an athletic scholarship with a comically large bulge in his pants.
Racist: Well, I got history and culture and shit. They shouldn’t even be here, education is a white man’s invention and they’re a waste of a seat.
Teacher issues a pop quiz on the differences between North American, French, English, and German philosophy, social customs, and political histories which the racist flunks. Notably the results indicate ignorance of his own country’s culture.
Racist: You’re supposed to be on MY side!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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