Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia

How Homosexual Friends Can Influence Our Kids
(continued from
But the issues with a “gay-straight” encounter are enormous. Not just the usual pregnancy concern, but the sexually transmitted disease risks can be great. Young men who have homosexual attractions or who are gender "fluid" have usually done something about it by late high school and certainly by college. This may have involved casual sex readily available at “gay” bars, or even encounters in public parks or restrooms. The encounter may have been with an older male, possibly carrying a sexually transmitted infection. Girls who have lesbian feelings may have already had sex with both males and females, since early sexual initiation is common among lesbians. For your son who may be infatuated with this person, she may have an STD or could become pregnant.

Gender Identity. But let’s say you are very sure that no sexual attraction or risk exists in this friendship. Still, there are other reasons to be wary. A casual relationship may pose little risk, but the closer the friendship, the more influence this person will have on your son or daughter’s beliefs about homosexuality, and about masculinity and femininity. I have talked with many teens in youth groups, high school classes, etc. and have been told by loyal friends of homosexuals that they really believe their friends’ claim that he or she was “born that way” or "born in the wrong sex body." The heartfelt assertion that this is just “who I am” may make your child doubt anything you may tell him or her. Particularly for girls, it may influence your daughter to buy into some very negative feminist ideology as well and may influence her concept of her own femininity.

Being close friends with an opposite sex homosexual may begin to influence the type of members of the opposite sex your son or daughter chooses to date. Will your son begin to choose more aggressive women? Will your daughter prefer more passive or feminized males? Spending time with a gender-confused person may create very distorted ideals and expectations in your child that may not be readily apparent.



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