various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Yes, that's correct.

That's how horrid blacks are.

spoilerWypipo bungee jump, swim
with sharks, climb mountains,
zip line, sky dive, wrestle
alligators, and play with
snakes, but 'fear for their lives'
around Black people?

( @TheBasedGoy )
@Nature_and_Race absolutely. Niggers are way more violent and aggressive than any OTHER animal.

( @Archer14 )
@TheBasedGoy @Nature_and_Race
Nigger assaults on Whites outpace annual shark attacks by the end of the first week of January.

( @Shotgun_Mouthwash )
@TheBasedGoy Sharks, Bears, Wolves, Tigers.
None of these pretend to be anything other than what they are, unlike niggers.

Each of these lives away from humans, unlike niggers, because "to each their own space"


( @Unknownusername1988 )
There is no animal on earth that inflicts pain and suffering for pure pleasure the way the African hominid does.

( @Jorbrooklyn )
@HarrisonBergeron88 black people are scarier.

( @Trop68 )

( @BumBee )
@Trop68 Just imagine a planet with nothing but NIGGERS on it.

( @NoStep_OnSnek )
@BumBee We don't have to imagine.. We can see exactly what it would be like in places that either have no Whites or where the niggers slaughtered all the Whites.


( @HigHrvatski )
@Nature_and_Race There were only 4 fatal Shark Attacks in the US in the 2020's.
Yes, being around sharks is a lot safer than being around Blacks.

( @lord_nougat )
@HigHrvatski @Nature_and_Race More pleasant, too!

( @indigowavve )
@Nature_and_Race Japan was nuked twice. Yet those cities recovered. Niggers have infested Chicago and Detroit for fifty plus years and continue to suffer. Niggers are unironically worse for a city than an atomic bomb. It feels bizarre to say that and have evidence to back up the fact it's true.



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