mhandanna #conspiracy #sexist #wingnut

Gendercide (Androcide) where boys and men are killed for being boys and men - is rising, yet feminists still say "misandry doesn't kill" "kill all men" etc when the opposite is true.

This is the problem with feminism. MRAs will agree with you on maybe even nearly all issues if they just did that... they don't though. Instead of just trying to enact change, they purposefully try and shit on mens issues in order to do so.

And why on earth are feminists wasting energy trying to defend misandrists or kill all men types etc with repeated articles saying why its ok to say kill all men or to hate men etc. Why because feminsim is a hate movement and it is often driven by hatred rather than actually wanting to help women.

One abandons her son cos hes male, the other bans her brother from house who she says is great person and she loves very much but is male so cant come in... only his girlfriend is allowed in.... what happened to these feminsits? Did they get help? NOOOO they went on to become feminists policitians, bloggers, journalists (even a guardian journalist!!), HEAD OF domestic violence charity (no wonder DV is so sexist and misandrist if led by people like this). Maybe feminsits should ask why are these misandrists getting to the TOP of feminism?

BTW, feminsits need to stop crying at criticism of feminism.... I call this feminsits fragility.... Mens issues aren't all caused by feminism or even majority caused by feminism, feminism does however often make things worse, and sometimes yes feminism is solely to blame especially where FEMINISTS LITERALLY, YES LITERALLY wrote the laws in questions.



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