Victor #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick
You are the Anti-virus that will save this world. Because you have a SOUL. You are LIFE ITSELF!. YOU ARE AN INFINITE BEING.
You came into this matrix as the antidote to repair this matrix. YOU are the....."Anti-virus"....against the ..."MATRIX"......YOU ARE THE ONLY THING THAT CAN FIX IT!...this broken matrix that we are all in!
This Reality or this "World" nothing like what we have been told to believe it is!. Everything we have been told is a lie, because we are living in a "artificial" ....MATRIX.....that is "Infected".... with a maligment self serving virus. This virus can control our emotions and feeds off negative energies like fear, anger, sadness. "FEEDS"....from all of our experiences or .....our SOUL energies. We are like the battery of this Reality.
IN THIS MATRIX..... Something went horribly wrong! This situation, if not dismantled it can infect the whole the universe, if left
The present day ..."China VIRUS"......that has everyone wearing masks, is just another of that outward artificial creation of the hidden "INNER" controlling virus running this place. That main computer controlling ..... "VIRUS"...that has shut this outer world dwon with FEAR, is the.... (AI) computer. The actual "VIRUS" ....that has began to "FEED" on the SOUL energy of the trapped "LIVING" entities here, or the traped consciousness beings that came here for a purpose.
This Matric VIRUS..... is trying to entrain the conscious beings to be like the COMPUTER VIRUS WANTS THEM TO order to produce the most Fear energy for its False life.