Christ/Einstein reincarnated #crackpot #dunning-kruger #ufo #fundie #god-complex
Stephen Hawking was WRONG about GOD, the Afterlife, and More
Stephen Hawking was wrong about (A) there being no GOD or God-incarnate, (B) there being random bubble universes and parallel worlds, (C) the BIG Bang-Bit Bang was a random event, (D) we should avoid making contact with aliens, (E) "There is no afterlife - it's a fairytale. The brain is like an old computer where you just throw it away." (F) The Universe is our perception of The Matrix as a 2-dimensional hologram that projects our reality.
Hawking was right about (G) there being a Theory of Everything: Supergravity Theory/M-Theory's 7D hyperspace + 4D = 11 dimensions spacetime. Yet, it's incomplete.
(A) GOD & God-incarnate have been proven in many ways including GOD=7_4 Theory.
(B & C) The BIG Bang-Bit Bang was a supermassive white hole - expansion of energy and information 13.8 billion years ago - spawned by a supermassive black hole at the heart of a galaxy in our parent universe. This Universe is 1-in-2 trillion offspring each with similar inherited physical constants.
(D) Aliens are cool. We shouldn't be scared of them and they shouldn't be scared of us. Although, we should both be very cautious of each other.
(E) Science has proven reincarnation (google that). The great American scientist Benjamin Franklin believed in it and he conducted an experiment with his Autobiography being written as a manual for his reincarnated self as a child. This book was one of five that the young Abraham Lincoln had access to when he was a boy in Indiana.
(F) This Universe is an omniscient quantum computer where particles not only collide, they compute.
Hawking's analogy of the brain being like an old computer is incorrectly portrayed. Everyone takes the valuable information from an old computer and transfers the data into the new one or stores it on a hard drive/flashdrive/The Cloud. Now the truth of the analogy supports reincarnation.
(G) Unified Strings 21 or 19 Dimensions & Aspects of Spacetime provides an analysis of one-dimensional time and thus a very simple symmetry. There are 7 aspects of regular time: beginning, end, past, present, future, the void(?), and a constant - the speed of light in a vacuum. There are 4 aspects of hypertime: fast-forward, reverse, pause/stop, and before the beginning and after the end. The 12th aspect of time is imaginary time, but it doesn't apply here.