James Rousse #magick thulesociety.com

Have You Heard About Ireland’s Golden Age?
The Formorians were said to have come from the sea, and most modern people have taken this idea to mean that the Formorians came from across a conventional earthly ocean of seawater, or from under the seas that surround Ireland; however, these people are ignorant about the actual beliefs of Ancients Europeans. Anyone who thinks that the Formorians came from across a sea of earthly ocean water are very ignorant about the Atlantic Seaboard and its islands. It was not the physical seas that these ancients were referring to; no, they were referring to the seas that exist between worlds.
When the Milesians arrived in Ireland, there was conflict between them and the existing inhabitants. How bad this conflict was is actually difficult to ascertain in light of what subsequently happened. The event that subsequently happened was the Tuatha de Danaan withdrawing into what was apparently a parallel dimension, then becoming the Faeries/Fey/Sidhe. However! There was a great deal of intermarriage between these three groups which resulted in these three groups merging into each other to create the Irish People of today. The faeries or the “Sidhe” remained separate, but intermarriage was, and still is, possible between Sidhe and humans.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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