Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The U.S. already gives out more money in foreign aid than any other country in the world - but neocons and war mongers keep adding to the total, even when Americans are hurting at home.

We need a Foreign Aid Moratorium.

We need to put America First.

@DrPaulGosar Maybe Israel could send some money to us for a change.

@getalonghome @DrPaulGosar what's they're major export? Faggotry?

@DrPaulGosar The private central bank should stop printing money to send for foreign aid. Let those countries borrow the money themselves. If the US is stupid enough to borrow money (with interest) for foreign military conquests, then they are obviously not smart enough to properly handle a budget. End the FED, cut congress' purse strings. If any of us ran a household budget like Congress, we'd have already been jailed for fraud and racketeering.

@DrPaulGosar But when Democrats like Biden, Pelosi and others are getting money laundered and kicked back to them, you;re fighting a losing battle. That's why they are hanging on so tight to the Ukraine Funds and Chinese Frauds.

@DrPaulGosar quit calling it aid. It's money laundering. None of it aids anyone except the elite of the country it goes to, and the kickbacks funneled directly into democratic AND rhino Republicans pocketbooks.



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