@Pharaoh Bastethotep
Let's do the math properly. (With some estimations of course.)
Assuming that the human population is exactly seven billion souls and that 10% of the population is homosexual, there is 700 000 000 homosexuals on Earth. Further assuming that the gender ratio is even, that leaves us with 350 000 000 gay men.
However, we're talking about sex partners here, and not rape victims, so straight men and underage gay males are out of the question.
Let's see this age pyramid:
It shows that in 2014 there were 1 200 000 000 underage males in the world (give or take about 100 000 000) out of the male population of 3 500 000 000, meaning that about 34% of the male population is underage (underage defined here as below 18 years of age). Applying the same rate to the homosexual male population, we end up with roughly 231 000 000 gay men who are of age. (Please note that this is the biggest source of error here as most 0 to 9 year old children don't have a sexuality either way or realize that they're gay at a later age during puberty).
Thus, if every gay male could have sex with every other gay male that would mean about 231 000 000 potential sex partners for each of them (I didn't say 230 999 999 because that one person falls below the margin of error anyway), which, assuming 50 years of sexual activity, means about 4620000 sex partners a year, which means 12658 sex partners a day (not counting leap years). Hilariously, by the way, this means that this hypothetical gay person would only last 6.8 seconds in bed on average. But that's obviously not feasible, so let's count in the population density.
The average population density is 14.35/km². Let's assume that our hypothetical gay guy never moves farther from his birthplace than 200 kilometers. A circle with a radius of 200 kilometers has an area of 125 664 km². Using the average global population this gives out 14.35*125 664=1 805 000 humans in the area of his movement. Half of which is men, 10% of which are gay, 66% of which is of age, meaning that the amount of legal gay men in the area of our hypothetical gay guy is 1 805 000*0.5*0.1*0.66=59 565.
Theoretically and mathematically speaking, he could indeed have 500 sex partners in his life. Furthermore if he wanted to fuck every single gay man in his area during his aforementioned 50 years of sexual activity, he'd have to bed 3.3 partners every day, which, while I heavily doubt to be healthy, is probably possible.
Not that it actually matters because people aren't numbers and this guy is a fucking basket case.
My work here is done.