Yes I'm a Christian.
No I don't hate gay people.
But homosexuality is a sin just like premarital sex is a sin and I love you enough to tell you.
No one who practices sin will enter Heaven.
Hate is allowing someone to walk into Hell without saying a thing.
Reminds me of something Penn Jillette said once about Christian fundamentalists. More or less, he agreed with that last line, that if you sincerely believe an evil sky monster is going to toss people in Hell, you'd have to hate their guts to NOT try and "save" them.
But homosexuality is a sin just like premarital sex is a sin
So, two Christians having sex before marriage is equal to two atheist girls going at it? That seems ineffective as a deterrent. And if you're gay and have premarital sex, does that double your sin?
Baby, I don't need your love. Especially from someone who calls himself after an old tabloid newspaper, which my mother used to call "the yellow press."
This is the usual fundie crap, about as uplifting as Ted Haggard's shirt. So if homosexuality and premarital sex are both "sins", then both couples should go out and have themselves legally wed. I'm sure you would be JUST THRILLED by that idea. (winks)
I don't hate gay people.
Yet you blindly worship a being that tortures them for an eternity just for being different than you. And you think that being is good, merciful, and benevolent for it.
Yeah, don't BS me. You hate gay people, period.
OK, so why do Christians focus so much on trying to restrict the ability of gay people to commit sin when there are so many heterosexuals among them having sex outside of marriage? I don't see any Christians advocating throwing heterosexuals in jail for having premarital sex or having affairs outside of a marriage like they advocate imprisoning all gays.
So yes, you do hate gay people, or at the very least have a deep-seated homophobia.
No one who practices sin will enter Heaven.
Then, according to your religion, nobody will enter Heaven, because God created us all sinners, and nobody is perfect.
And lastly, don't tell me you don't hate gay people when your god apparently hates them. There was a study done where MRI scans were done on people's brains when they were asked to think about other people's desires, and then their own desires. Of course the brain scans were different. Then when they were asked to think about God's desires, the brain scans were identical to the ones when they thought about their own desires. Meaning that whatever their god wants is exactly the same was what they themselves want. So don't give me this "love the sinner, hate the sin" bullshit.
You go around telling everyone who has premarital sex that it's a sin? You must be fun at parties...
Besides, "sin" is an arbitrary concept, only valid for those who believe in your particular religion. Or would you accept gladly that Muslims told you what sin-full things YOU do against their religion?
Refusing to help people in need; feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless, visit the prisoners, etc, will also end you up in Hell.
'No I don't hate gay people.
Beware! An enemy of humankind has revealed himself.
Regards & all,
Thomas L. Nielsen
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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