This should warrant an investigation into the atheist trying to take the freedom of religion from the Christians. Why should the atheist care what others believe because they claim to not believe in anything. Could it be the atheist deep inside know God exist?
"Could it be the atheist deep inside know God exist?"
No, RL. The atheist disagrees with you that 'freedom of religion' means that Christians have the freedom to use Christianity to regulate the lives of non-Christians.
"Could it be the atheist deep inside know God exist?"
Nope and most atheists pretty much ignore Christianity and all other religions UNTIL that religion attempts to codify it's beliefs via the power of the state or impose it's religious dogma on everyone else. Then you might get a fight from some atheists. Most will still simply continue to ignore you.
BTW you clowns are so terrified of Muslims in your mist when Muslims only make up a paltry 1% of the population. Atheists/agnostics are openly 6%-7% of the population, growing fast and that doesn't include the 5th column among your congregation that haven't come out of the closet yet because of concern over how their families might react.
No one is trying to take away your freedom of religion, moron. They just don't want you using your social dominance to take freedom away from everyone else.
And no, atheism is not "belief in nothing."
What religious freedom has been taken from you? C'mon, what? You never really had the "right to oppress others" or the "right to control both houses of congress, the Oval Office, and the SCOTUS". You never really had the "right to set the curriculum of of the public schools", and you certainly never had the "right to give approval or disapproval of other people's marriages", or the "right to have TV sitcoms that don't shock you".
Come on, is there anything left after that?
Why should the Christian care what others believe? Could it be that deep inside they suspect God may not exist? The laws of the US are not supposed to be based on any religion. As long as there are churches with their names out front, and you attend services in daylight and are allowed to deduct contributions to it from your income taxes, you have freedom of religion. When you have to sneak into services held in a basement in fear of being arrested as police break up the gathering, then we'll talk.
2000: George Dumbya Bush voted in by Cre(a)ti(o)nism-belie ving Conservative Christians.
2002: John E. Jones III personally appointed to the Federal bench by George Dumbya Bush: a Conservative Christian.
2004: Dumbya voted in again by said Cre(a)ti(o)nists.
2005: Kitzmiller vs. Dover.
Judge John E. Jones III is a Conservative Christian.
Could it be the American Christains deep inside know God doesn't exist...?! [/Hindsight =/= 20-20]
Could it be the Christian deep inside knows that Zeus and Athena exist? Why should the fundie Christian care what others believe? That's what you sound like to the average unbeliever.
One thing you don't get to do is take away other people's freedom, which is why I'm watching developments in the US pretty nervously at the moment.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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