AustisticWinchester & APieceOfFemShit #sexist

Re: How do i deal with only having the motivation to not be ugly and fat for a boy even though i dont want to do it for them?

Argh, i hate being human. I know most of them out there are stacy chasing moids who are so shallow. But i cant help but want to feel loved somehow. The thing is, i have a loving family, i never had any issues there. I even feel guilty for how much they are behind even though im such a failure. I guess i kind of have friends, well a couple but they arent full femcel like me. They're normies.

But i still think of some boy out there who will truly like me and care about me. And i want to start loving myself and feeling pretty and not looking in the mirror and going blergh for that person. And i hate it. I hate feeling this way. I just wish i was a robot. So i could accept myself and not care about those idiots. I just want to be free, but every time i close my eyes i picture myself holding hands with someone with a stupid boy. I see love that my family and friends cant give.

Do you ladies feel this way? Is there cope? Help ):

Yeah. It's a crazy feeling isn't it? That's so difficult when you're sexual. The thirtiness of wanting attention from the opposite sex is so powerful. Whether it's from your father's love or a boyfriend's love, we seem to need it for some type of growth or self esteem. Stacy's are funny in the same aspect. They say they dress up for other women or for themselves but deep down they know their looks have some importance on their life.

What you seek is reassurance, love, attraction from other people- all of that makes you feel useful in life. As sad as that is, you're not alone.

It's similar to how people lose weight. The main thing that people comment on is how pretty they turned out to be, not that they are healthy or less prone to heart disease. Which explains how skinny fat people get away with so much. Their skinny, and thats all that matters.

Let me get this straight. You acknowledge that moids are superficial pieces of shit but the only motivation you have is to subject yourself to becoming attractive to superficial pieces of shit and living up to superficial standards so you can be wanted by a superficial piece of shit, although you hate superficial pieces of shit?

You can start by not giving a shit about moids. Don’t get some of you.



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