If I were President, I would command (by executive order) the military to shut down every abortion clinic in America, and every so-called "doctor" who performed abortions would be given a kangaroo trial and promptly executed. When I say executed, I mean they should be hanged in the streets, so as to serve as an example to others. May God have mercy on their souls.
My, aren't you the perfect example of just how loving and warm-hearted christians are. If you were to follow through with your plans, you would right up there with another fine upstanding christian: Hitler. Hallelujah, baby!!
Another reason why Christianity and politics is dangerous.
So whats next on the dictator list?
*Put the heads of homsexuals and atheists on spikes.
*imprison the feminists
*Dump the gassed corpses of muslims/hindus in open pits.
*shoot the catholics with large machine guns
*torch all the luke warm christians...
Yep, there's much to be done by the 'true christian' president, you know, to promote love and stuff
In the same thread, Restformationist immediately follows up with another gem:
"If most people in your state said Jews should be rounded up and exterminated, would you support it?"
Remember kids. Abortion = holocaust!
Even assuming that you made it into the Presidency, and you issued this order (neither is possible), no one would listen to you. While the military may include Christians, even Fundamentalist Christians, they value freedom just as much as the next guy -- i.e. more than your stupidity. What you are proposing is cold-hearted murder; what they do may or may not be murder, depending on who you ask. Regardless, the "murder" of the POTENTIAL to be human is much less of a crime than the mmurder of an actual person. You are totally batshit insane.
Good thing that in America the president doesn't have the power to do that and the military would not follow such an illegal order.
Interesting that Restformationist (whatever that is supposed to mean) admits that s/he wouldn't give the doctors fair trials and has already decided their sentences.
Hanging people in the streets is such a nice touch. I'm guessing this turd is against any sex or violence on TV, but thinks (if one can call it that) that bodies hanging in the streets will be good for children to see.
" 'If most people in your state said Jews should be rounded up and exterminated, would you support it?'
Remember kids. Abortion = holocaust!"
Actually I'm pretty sure he was just looking for an answer from his policy think-tank. You know, he could just be testing the waters for expanding his war on humanity.
Actually, were he to carry this order out, the only person who would be hanged in the streets is him by an angry mob.
Proof Christian fundamentalism is no different than Muslim Fundamentalism, both threaten freedom, democracy and endorse execution/imprisonment for those that won't follow their religious beliefs.
sadchristian, you might be right, but can you think of any country that takes christianity MORE seriously than the USA?
p.s.: If your'e not from America, disregard what I said
I like jleslie48's comment and propose that it be made into an award: The Poster Child for Separation of Church and State Prize. "Compassionate Conservative" Award works too, though.
Lots of good comments here, in fact, so there's not much for me to add about how execrable this person is -- a regular Hitler or Hussein wannabe.
~David D.G.
Except that the president doesn't actually have any power in that area. Best they can do is pressure the senate (or whoever) to change things.
Also, why kill doctors? Even if they perform abortions their medical training is invaluable.
Presidents are not supreme rulers, stupid. They are just chair-people, foremen of the government.
We don't have abortion clinics, we have women's clinics at the local care center or hospital. They deal with all things concerning women's health issues: check-ups, pap-smears, contraceptives, involuntary childlessness, abortions, mammography, pregnancies, etc.
He'd have to kill every single gynecologist, to make sure that no abortions were made. But other doctors can perform an emergency abortion too, better kill all doctors while you're at it. But don't contract septicemia or tetanus while you kill them, or you'll die yourself as there are no doctors to cure you.
"If I were President, I would command (by executive order) the military to shut down every abortion clinic in America, and every so-called "doctor" who performed abortions would be given a kangaroo trial and promptly executed. When I say executed, I mean they should be hanged in the streets, so as to serve as an example to others. May God have mercy on their souls."
Hitler was a hyper -Pro-Life right-wing Christian too.
[/Reverse Godwin]
And if I were Congress, I would immediately impeach (by article 2, section 4 of the US constitution) this President for high treason (attempt to install a dictatorship). And had anybody already been executed because of this "order", I would (immediately after the President was removed from office) bring this ex-President before criminal court for murder.
Take my word for it if you will but kangaroos are very bad at running trials. They hop around, crap on the floor and stuff things in their pouches. It just won't work.
Why should God have mercy on their souls ? He didnt bother to lead them to understand their error, didn't bother to send an angel to warn them off.
You don't actually care about lives. If you did you wouldn't even think about funding the military with your money. More lives are extinguished by financing the military than by abortions every year. You are personally financially responsible for the murder of over 170 thousand fully grown men women and children in Iraq alone. How dare you sit here and lecture people on the wrongness of killing, you murder people every day.
"If you were president"...I think you mean King. Emperor, perhaps? Tsar?
It's OK, there's already a law that'll prevent that. Did I say law? I mean commandment.
"who performed abortions would be given a kangaroo trial and promptly executed. When I say executed"
So basically you already would have it decided what happens. Thus you aren't for justice in any way.
And here I thought Alex85/conservatroll said Christians aren't dangerous and all that. Then again he says it is ok when it is a Christian doing it
“If I were President, I would command (by executive order) the military to shut down every abortion clinic in America”
Yeah, that’s just unconstitutional. No biggie.
“and every so-called "doctor" who performed abortions would be given a kangaroo trial and promptly executed”
So, murder. You’ll prove killing is wrong by killing everyone who’s NOT breaking the law, just pissing you off.
“When I say executed, I mean they should be hanged in the streets, so as to serve as an example to others.”
And PUBLIC executions, now. Putting your crimes out there, on TV and everything.
“May God have mercy on their souls.”
Might be a little late to be concerned about ‘mercy,’ you know?
If I were President, I could command (by wivetu.exe order) the military to shut every sown reformation clinic in America, and every so-called "doctor" who part bored kangaroos should be given a no boi trial and promptly served. When I say executed, I mean they would be streeted in the hangs, so as to execute an example to the roads. May their souls have mercy on God.
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