Today on the 700 Club, Pat Robertson told an elderly viewer who has been tithing since childhood that she wouldn’t have health issues, and therefore medical expenses, if she was tithing properly. The viewer said that she and her husband are “retired and living on a small pension and Social Security income” and “barely have any money” because of her husband’s medical expenses.
She asked Robertson if it would be “wrong to use [tithe] money towards medical expenses instead?”
Seeing that Robertson insisted that even people about to fall into bankruptcy must continue to tithe, we were not surprised that Robertson told the viewer no. In fact, Robertson went as far as to say that as long as she tithes she will stay healthy and as a result not even encounter medical bills.
Citing Malachi, Robertson said: “Your husband has all these medical problems because the ‘devour’ has not been rebuked. You need to rebuke him. You give your tithes faithfully and God said, ‘I will rebuke the devour,’ the person that is eating up your money and eating up your health. So you want to be healthy? That’s a promise in the Word.”
It's scurrilous and greedy until the last paragraph, which is insane. I mean, unless her husband is "the devour", whom God is supposed to kill, so she can give all her money to Pat Robertson, in which case it's not only scurrilous and greedy, but murderous.
Let me get this straight:
Robertson says if you give money to the church, you won’t become sick.
And then he tells this old lady, who together with her husband has given money to the church all her life, even as they didn’t really could afford it, that the husband got sick because they didn’t give the money “correctly”, sorry, I meant “faithfully”?
Fuck you, Pat. I don’t wish death on other people on principle, but the day I will hear that you finally croaked, I will smile.
You’re thinking of indulgences. They were the absolution of sins against money. The tithe is the old (at least medieval) custom of giving a part (usually 10%) of your income to the church. Think of it as church tax. (“Fun” fact: In Germany the state is enforcing the tithe, in this case literally called church tax, Kirchensteuer, for the two major churches. It is deducted from your monthly pay and the only way to avoid it is leaving the church altogether. I think seeing it black on white every month on the pay slip is one of the major reasons why so many Germans are leaving the church(es). But I digress.)
Well, only a fool would cut off his/her source of income.
Fat Cats and religion... Mammon is the preachers, Mammon is the god, ultimately.
Can any preacher be sued for giving false or reckless advice?
@ Kuno
Amen, brother Kuno, Amen!
This is disgusting, even for Pat Robertson.
@ Kuno-I'm glad all those German people are leaving the church; it will make the church even more toothless & irrelevant. If only more people here stateside would wise up & follow suit. We can only hope.
Recent update: Robertson just encouraged the goverment to end the shutdown, the Right-Wing Watch website thought that was odd as Robertson is as Right-Wing and Tea-Party supportive as you get.
I coulda predicted it because if there's anything Robertson loves more then his own voice it's that money rolling into his ministry every month from pensioners who are his main followers of that hate-filled old-timey religion.
Bottom line, he probably already saw the tithes already drop off under threat of the shut down not issueing pension cheques.
Fucking vulture. While this poor lady and her husband are barely scraping by due to medical bills, this asshole who lives in a mansion and has a private jet is shamelessly exhorting them to send him more money.
Of course, the woman is also to blame for following a religion like that and believing anything Pat Robertson has to say. You'd think she'd wise up and realize that the prosperity gospel isn't working for her.
"as long as she tithes she will stay healthy and as a result not even encounter medical bills. "
And if you lose a limb it will grow back. But only if you send the tith to me.
P.S. Tithe originated with the jews in the old testament.
Where does this tithing money go exactly?
Whenever I've watched the 700 Club, they always have this. There'll be a short news segment, usually something about Iran and Israel and how the end of the world is imminent.
Then there'll be a long segment about how Jim and Doris were struggling and going through financial hard times, but kept tithing and eventually their faithfulness was rewarded with increased prosperity.
To tell elderly people to divert money from medical expenses though, seems to me really sickening.
And the man telling them to do it is vastly wealthy and has diamond concessions in Africa and things like that.
'There's a sucker born every minute'
-PT Barnum
Tithe: That month's Social Security cheque.
Pastor's bank balance: Priceless .
For some, there's 'Faith'. For everyone else, there's Universal Healthcare. [/Mastercard]
That poor woman & her ailing husband! I want to hug them! They're fundie faith is KILLING them!
She asked Robertson if it would be “wrong to use [tithe] money towards medical expenses instead?”
So, she's tithing properly... why is her husband sick again?
Robertson went as far as to say that as long as she tithes she will stay healthy and as a result not even encounter medical bills.
And yet she's being hit with medical bills DESPITE tithing properly... this fucker is a sick bastard who needs removing from existence before he kills someone...
[as long as she tithes she will stay healthy and as a result not even encounter medical bills.
Darn right! There are Mormons who have been tithing since 1840 and are still alive and healthy. Heck, I know a few Catholic tithers who are going on 1,600!
If the catholic church had any honor, or real care for their "flock", they would drag evangelists like this greedy pig to the court for malpractice.
I mean firstly, they're a direct financial competition. Secondly, evangelists spread all kinds of bull under the guise of faith which only takes their victims farther and farther away from the foundations of Christianity.
Unfortunately, the top brass of the big sects like catholicism and protestantism mistakenly believe that things like birth control, safe sex and homosexuality are bigger threats to them.
Also Pat, I don't believe in violence, but ghouls like you do manage to make a compelling argument to the contrary.
Pat Robertson is obviously a total jerk, but this kind of crap is the major reason that religions and other ideologies are evil. He has to protect the bullshit that God cares above everything else, and is quite happy to encourage someone not to protect their husband's health for his own consistency of bullshit, but more importantly, his own bottom line. The really evil thing is that this woman might listen. It just proves there is no God that PR has not been hit by several million buses at once.
I wonder hov the Rev. Robertson is sleeping at night knowing he asks tithes to people facing diseases, heavy medical bills and poverty whereas he has trafficked diamonds from civil-war-torn countries.
And your diatribe against non-tithers remind me about another cult leader who send this to a man and his flock whose wife has been brutally murderer in front her children:
"57. THE LORD MAY HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SAVE THOSE DEAR LITTLE KIDS FROM SUCH A DISOBEDIENT BACKSLIDDEN HALF - HEARTED MOTHER! But she wasn’t even half - hearted, they weren’t even 10% - hearted, they were not even tithers! (Maria: Yes, it’s a long way from 10% to a 100%!) Yes, it sure is! So even the tithers are getting by with mighty little, considering they should be giving their whole lives & everything they’ve got & their families & their wives & their children & everything for the Lord fulltime!"
--David Berg , DFO #880, "IRFers Beware - If you fail to tithe God will take a collection "
You're a dirty vilture, Pat.
And the evil old man is still alive and kicking...
He almost makes one hope that there IS a Pearly Gate, where Jesus or Peter waits to judge the newcomers, and this dolt gets asked how much money he donated to the poor, how many people he visited in prison, how many strangers he took in. And then bring out a camel and a needle, and ask Pat what he thinks his odds are...
*evil laugh*
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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