Sherry Spiller #conspiracy

What they hate is that we are the aboriginal and indigenous people of this continent. We are the heirs to the largest ancestral estate and inheritance on the planet. North, South, Central America, Atlantis islands make up our ancestral estate and inheritance. THAT is why they are killing us. That is why they made it illegal for us to get an education. There is a reason why they have branded us as negro,black and colored. We are the direct descendants of the ancient moors. We are nobles and royalty. It is an inheritance that can not be transferred, bought or sold. The only way they could take it was to enslave the nobles separate them from their children. Then through several generations of telling children they are niggers and black then bring in some Africans from the continent and tell the children they came on boats. The purpose was to legally and mentally disconnect us from knowledge of our estate. They declared themselves trustee and continue to oppress us while they destroy the world and rob us blind.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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