If it is natural for animals to have homosexual relations as well as rape and Pedophillia then rape and Pedophillia should be legalised. And don't say that it is disgusting and wrong cause homosexuality is legalised so might as well also be rape and Pedophillia as well because all 3 exist in nature so you cannot refute it.?
...and this is why I don't use that dumb "CAGED QUEERS ON DISPLAY AT THE ZOO!!!" argument against homophobes. It's an obvious appeal to nature and just stupid. When I argue with homophobes, all I do question everything they say until they Socratic method themselves into a corner. It's highly effective because the burden of proof is on them that my marriage is an unnatural sham that poses a danger to society. When they take the "BUT GAWWWD DON'T APPROVE" route, questioning them into self-defeat is even faster.
"homosexuality is legalised so might as well also be rape and Pedophillia as well because all 3 exist in nature"
Gay Rights Group Leader: "Right! We all agree, then. Our main argument is that homosexuality is *natural*, it's not an 'unnatural' and therefore wrong human invention."
Random Member: "And that unlike for instance pedophile activities and rape, which also exist in nature, homosexuality can be practised in ways that *don't hurt anyone*"
GRGL: "Yes, but we won't have to actually *mention* that part; it goes without saying!"
I think you'll find the difference lies in how the animals react to those last two. Alpha Lion isn't exactly going to be a happy kitty if he learns you've been at his wife and cubs, but two male lions getting it on does nothing to threaten him, so why bother? God, even animals can grasp that much!
But it was you fundies running around, saying it isn't found in nature and that it is unnatural. People pointing out that it is, in fact, natural, has you throwing idiotic arguments like this around. You made the claim. It was debunked. Deal with it.
“If it is natural for animals to have homosexual relations as well as rape and Pedophillia then rape and Pedophillia should be legalised.”
Homosexuality is not legal among humans BECAUSE we’ve observed several hundred species doing it, too.
The ONLY reason the ‘lions do it too’ response comes up is after some idiot claims that human homnsexuality is not natural. Here, you at least admit that it is natural, so we can lay that argument to rest.
“And don't say that it is disgusting and wrong cause homosexuality is legalised"
Not the argument i’d have used. Pedophilia is illegal because children cannot consent. We do not let them sign contracts, run for office, make medical proxy decisions for their parents. So it’s rape. You want to add Rape and Rape to the law. But rape harms an individual. It’s assault.
It doesn’t matter that animals (who also cannot sign contracts, run for office, that consent stuff) do it.
“so might as well also be rape and Pedophillia as well because all 3 exist in nature so you cannot refute it.?”
I cannot refute that they exist in nature, but that’s a piss poor argument you’re pretending that we’re making.
People being gay doesn’t harm you in any way you can show.
People raping (or raping) others poses a threat to members of society.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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