The Zetas via Nancy Leider #ufo #crackpot #quack #conspiracy
Schumann Resonance spikes have been associated with lightning activity in the upper atmosphere, in the ionosphere. The establishment has tried to blame spikes on solar activity but the Sun refused to cooperate. As Nibiru draws closer and its charged tail wafts the Earth, all electrical frequencies recorded at the Schumann Resonance stations around the world are showing spikes. This scrambling will continue to get worse, as will interference with mankind’s electrical infrastructure.
These spikes are equivalent to the Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP) which has been causing blackouts and bringing down airplanes. Mankind as all living creatures on Earth are also affected with what we have termed Magnetic Sickness – the woosies, ie nausea and dizziness. The Kolbrin reported that women could not get pregnant during such times. That the low frequency Schumann Resonance colors relate to human brain wave activity shows the reason for this sickness.
Light rays form Helix Tubes and Nibiru’s tail forms a Double Helix behind Nibiru via its two Dominant Moons. This is a common particle flow pattern which forms as a result of the tendency of like particles to want to group together but also to push against crowding. We have explained that this is God’s way to keep things in motion and to prepare an interesting environment for young souls who are learning how to interact with each other.
As the tail of Nibiru wafts toward the Earth it brings Petrol and Debris and Red Dust Earthbound, which can form into a cloud of dust or congeal into a blob of Petrol or be Minor Moons that form into any number of String of Pearl arrangements. Earth bound Debris that forms into a Helix Tube arrangement will retain that arrangement until it hits the Earth’s atmosphere or is distracted by a gravity tug from a large object such as the Earth or Earth’s Moon or Nibiru itself. The skies will get increasingly interesting as the hour of the Passage approaches.