JackGetsIt and fefil2 #racist reddit.com

[Comment under "Augustus Sol Invictus Arrested on Kidnapping Charges?"]


Being a race traitor wasn't enough?

lol. Latin people have Spanish blood you stupid shill. Most Hispanics in north america need to go for sure (especially illegals) but I'm not going to kick out every white person that has miscegenated. Especially those that have misigenated with people that have some European blood connections like latinos (many of whom have 75% plus Spanish ancestry). It's not any modern white persons fault that we are growing up in this degenerate Jewish globalist run hell hole that teaches us from birth that porn is cool and race mixing is cool and sodomy is cool. That's not Invictus's fault. Stop trying to get the alt right to purity spiral. Not going to work. You probably want us to kick Owen Benjamin out as well huh? He's got a latin wife. What about Derbyshire with the Asian wife? Do you really think we are that stupid that we would kick out intelligent and effective writers and propagandist out of our tent?

Can't wait until we can get the nuremberg laws in affect and breed you and your jew genes out. It will be a glorious day. You won't even be part of the people's community my friend. It will be some third world hell hole or Madagascar for you Jew. Good luck running your cons on birds, rocks and reptiles.



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