tinderthrowaway012 #sexist reddit.com

Imagine how narcissistic and sociopathic you have to be make a scene like that. Women today don't even have the courtesy to hide their wretched nature anymore.

To comprehend all of this, you need to understand that men and women view sexuality differently. Men view it in terms of love, companionship, intimacy, romance. If a woman asks out a man, even if she's like a 1/10, the man might reject her but he won't be upset or angry. He will be flattered. A woman thought he was attractive and good enough to be in a relationship with, how could that possibly be a bad thing, even if he doesn't feel the same way? Women view it differently. They view men as objects. Objects to pleasure them. Objects to parade around in public. Objects to use and abuse financially. Objects with which they base their social status vis-a-vis other women. When this curry approached this woman, this destroyed her preconceived notion that she is entitled to the best object: Chad. That is what destroyed her. She thought that she was among the top-tier of women. She thought she was good enough for the best. She assumed that she was so good that no man she thinks is beneath her would even consider approaching her. Yet this was false.

Chances are this roastie is like a 3/10 at best. 7+ women wouldn't get offended by this, because it's obvious to them that they're in Chad's league. sub5 women are different. They get pumped and dumped by a few Chads, and think that means that they're on Chad's level. But that's false, because Chads fuck anything that moves. This misconception that sub5 roasties have is what fueled her rage. Deep down, she knows she's not the best looking girl, certainly not once all the fakeup is washed off. Deep down, she knows she's not much better than Apu. That's what hurt her so much.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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