various commenters #transphobia

Normal people being awoken to the crazy shit you people are saying/doing =/= “far right” trying to start a culture war

( Unicorn )
Nah buddy, people are just sick of being fed bullshit.

And transgenderism is basically a culture war. The entire concept of trans exists on gender—socially, culturally, constructed sex-based stereotypes. Your group has been a "massive culture war" since its inception.

( no- )
“Why do people hate us just for existing?” They ask. No one gave an f about transsexuals before they decided everyone had to pray to their gender god or lose their jobs and reputation. Transgenderism is a lie, a pseudoscientific but profitable fabrication. There’s only so much bullshit and censorship people can take before they get sick of it, especially when it’s causing as much damage as it is.

( ratherbecomes )
That's what gets me. They started the culture war, and when anyone gets involved against it, they accuse them of actually being the ones starting a war.

( OwnLyingEyes )
They think they have some kind of divine right to tear everything down and remake it to suit themselves and are outraged that other people think we have some kind of right to oppose them.

( Exempli_Gratia )
Shit, it's not even just opposition, it's anything short of absolute brainwashed obedience - they want to completely recreate reality and the way we perceive it and we're not even allowed to say, "no thank you, I think I'll stick with my current beliefs and worldview." We have to live in and completely accept and believe their reality or they'll throw a gigantic screaming shitfit.

I'm sick of being asked to submit to the tantrums of grown-ass adults. I refuse to do it any more

( Women1st )
That’s how you silence someone. Call them a racist, transphobe, Karen, whatever.

( pennygadget )
"I don't think kids in public schools should be forced to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and Savior. Its not fair to kids who don't believe in Christianity"




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