Thanks for having a site like this! It bothers me so much when people still believe all the lies Darwin made up 100 years ago. He was a product of Satan and his only goal was to distort the truth and confuse believers.
Thanks for having a site like this! It bothers me so much when people still believe all the lies Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous,Anonymous, and Anonymous made up 2000 years ago. They were products of wishful thinking and schizophrenia and their only goal was to distort the truth and exploit the gullible, stupid, and ignorant and to annoy sane people.
If creation is "the truth," why is it that evolutionary theory is producing all the tangible results that benefit humanity in fields like medicine, ecology and agriculture? Are antibiotics and disease resistant plant strains gifts from Satan?
You still believe all the 2000-year-old lies compiled in that Book of yours.
Darwin wasn't the only one to think along those lines, he was just the first to put it on paper and formulating a theory about it. And it was 150 years ago, not 100. Others have time and time again confirmed, and also built upon, Darwin's "lies". Darwin's only goal was to find the truth, not distort it. He was a bit confused himself, towards the end of his life, that reality didn't correlate with the Bible, but he decided to stay with reality.
It bothers me so much when people still believe all the lies Darwin made up 100 years ago.
Still? Still ? Oh the terrible irony, for a believer of a 2,000 year old tome to decry Darwin's works for their age, of all things.
Firstly, more like 150 years ago, although I know you creationists are terrible with dates (I have never been off on a date by a factor of 2166666 and 2/3).
Secondly, that "product of satan" made biology work for us in more ways than you can count, which is not hard because you're terrible with numbers, too. If I was off by 12.9 billion on anything, I'd be fired.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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