Laura Ingrahm #fundie

Ingraham praised a Utah high school for not letting several girls attend a homecoming dance because their dresses were “immodest.” Ingraham stated that the teens looked much older because of their clothing choices, and in order to prevent things like objectification and date rape, we should “start with the way we appear in public.”

“These are still girls. There are probably young women, probably 9th or 10th grade. And at the same time we’re worried about date rape. At the same time we’re worried about misogynistic behavior or making comments about peoples’ appearances and bullying and all these other things. How about start with the way we appear in public. The way we treat people. How we speak to them. The language we use. And I’m sure a lot of these girls that dress this way, I’m sure they don’t know any better.

If we are trying to remind people that it’s what’s inside that counts, your heart, your spirit, the whole person. Let’s really ensure that the first thing a young boy sees in a girl is not her cleavage, or, you know, her pubic area because her skirt is so short.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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