However, the underlying reason many folk believe in Evolution is that they do not wish to be accountable to God (or 'a' God) for anything they do on this Earth.
"... they do not wish to be accountable to God (or 'a' God) for anything they do on this Earth."
You're right. I rebel against the idea that I am accountable to anybody except me for anything I do on this Earth.
There, I'm done. The rest of you can address the evolution part.
I don't know about you guys but this has me pegged. I don't want to be accountable to God for my actions. I want to be accountable to myself and the people around me for my actions, this way if my actions hurt someone, I have to go to them for forgiveness, and they might not forgive me and I'd have to live with that for the rest of my life and maybe I'll be wiser next time. But with God I just turn to God for forgiveness and there, I'm forgiven.
Evolution does not necessitate an absence of a God, nor does the existence of a God necessitate the abscence of evolution.
Why do fundies have a problem with this?
"However, the underlying reason many folk believe in Jesus is that they do not wish to be accountable to Brahma for anything they do on this Earth"
Fixed. And, I mean, when you are arguing that people are trying to shirk responsibility by not believing in a religious entity whose entire purpose is to allow for humans to GET REWARDED FOR BELIEF INSTEAD OF ACTIONS, you really do not have an argumentative leg to stand on.
I "believe" in evolution (small 'E', jackass) because it isn't based on badly-written fables, cautionary tales and morality plays produced by ignorant Bronze Age goat-herders.
I'm not accountable to any gods for the simple reason that THEY DON'T EXIST.
"Not perfect, just forgiven."
Now tell me which of us (Christians or nontheists) has a problem with accountability.
~David D.G.
Yeah, totally, because NO ONE who believes in a deity sees the validity of evolution 9_9 Us Pagans are ALWAYS goin' around saying "that evilution is heresy! The Gods created us hoomans! Is true!! You's goin' to some bad place on account of you're wrong!"
“However, the underlying reason many folk believe in Evolution is that they do not wish to be accountable to God (or 'a' God) for anything they do on this Earth.”
So, your hypothesis is that i KNOW there’s a judgmental fuck who knows EVERYTHING i do, AND my reasons for doing it, and I think i can FOOL this omniscient being by pretending to accept evolution as a valid idea.
How DUMB would i have to be in order to think that it’s easier to go to that much effort TO GET CAUGHT ANYWAY?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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