I use to be pro-choice until I got saved and read the gospel and REALLY understood what being pro-choice meant....needless to say I’m pro-life because it’s not right to end a potential life because of someone’s negligence. In a world where condoms, birth control, and, the morning after pill are tangible easily, there’s no excuse. There is NO such thing as “accidentally pregnant”. Have safe sex or don’t have sex at all (which is my route and I must say it’s 100%)
So what do we do about the religious nuts who want to make birth control pills and the morning-after pill very difficult to get? What do we do when there's a pregnancy that threatens the health of the mother (and thus kills the fetus as well)? What do we do about people like you who don't realize that every choice is a personal choice, for a personal set of reasons? There is no "one size fits all" answer because every situation is different - and that's the reason that it should ALWAYS be the choice of the woman who understands these circumstances in a way that no impersonal governmental entity can.
I use to be pro-choice until I got saved and read the gospel and REALLY understood what being pro-choice meant....needless to say I’m pro-life because it’s not right to end a potential life because of someone’s negligence
What about tyranny : Hosea 13:16?
Nuremberg ensured that 'I was only obeying orders' remained exactly that: an excuse .
Certainly when it came to trying to justify War Crimes.
So thank you for admitting that your 'God' = Hitler , Katiepoos.
And like the latter, the so-called 'Pro-Life ' agenda doesn't have the right to exist. If it ever did.
Why were you pro-choice before? What part of it did you not understand before?
God ends potential lives all the time, through miscarriages.
Your born-again peeps will soon inform you that condoms, birth control and the morning after pill are also out of the question. No sex whatsoever, unless you intend to procreate.
Are they really "tangible easily" for everyone? Here in Sweden, teenagers get condoms (and perhaps other forms as well) for free. That reduced the number of teenage pregnancies from very low to practically non-existent.
No contraceptives are 100 percent effective, and there is such a thing as rape, so yes; there ARE accidental pregnancies.
There are also the cases when the couple very much want a child, but there is something wrong with the fetus or the woman, or both, and to save the woman's life, you have to remove the fetus.
This kind of sounds like one of those "former atheists" we hear about once in a while.
I don't know, though....she did say potential life, though, so I'll give her that much, at least.
Now the question I have is: What about problem pregnancies where the mother's life is in peril? What about pregnancies caused by rape? Failure of contraceptives in a family too poor to feed another mouth? From what I've heard, Christianity insists women make themselves available sexually to their husbands, so abstaining isn't an option there, right?
If it's alright to get an abortion in THOSE cases, but not when someone gets pregnant via unprotected sex, then preserving the embryo isn't about that potential life, it's about punishing *women* for having sex for fun/out of wedlock. And you should admit it!
Whilst I agree that safe sex or no sex is the best form of contraception, firstly, it is often the same people who are anti-abortion who also want to restrict or eliminate access to methods of safe sex, and, secondly, this is not a good enough reason to ban abortion because some people can't or won't differentiate between 'human life' and 'a human being' (as a hint, your appendix is human life, but it is not a human being, so getting it removed is not murder).
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