Generation Zed #ufo #conspiracy

Operation CRAC: Harvesting ET livers to power the sacred books that ripple our dimension.

So, let’s start from the very beginning. When we talk about sacred books and all this, what are we referring to? We are referring to something called the fourteen sacred books that essentially hold a lot of cosmic knowledge; not all, but a lot of cosmic knowledge as it pertains to this timeline. Now there’s different types of knowledge that can be held within the quantum realm: we have the Akashic Records, which is a bit more of a spiritual thing, but, again, we notice from things like Project Looking Glass and what-have-you that the Vatican has devices where they could see into the past of certain events that occurred within a particular location when they pointed the device at a specific location. And that is using the Akashic Records within the quantum realm to act as a sort of database in memory that is stored in a dimension other than this one that can provide illustrations of what occurred. Right?

Now, why is this important? This is important because, along with the fusion cell, something that I did an episode on a few weeks ago within the CIA, the fusion cell partly relies on the 14 sacred books in order to continue a sort of cosmic fluid timeline, but also, it ripples the timeline using modern military technology and other things in order to create a more peaceful future for the elites.

Now, what powers these books? That’s the ultimate question. Extraterrestrial livers. Human livers can power it as well, but it’s kind of like when you’re charging your iPhone or your Android with a very shitty, half-assed charger you just bought from the local gas station compared to charging your phone with the charger that it actually came with when you bought the phone. Okay, that’s the best way I could probably describe it.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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