A couple observations on MessServ, the obvious troll...
1. It is very telling that this fictional persona you have adopted to troll with finds the idea of a human being suffering eternally in Hell to be amusing and funny, and "got a kick" out of learning the news of his death.
Taking joy in the destruction of another human being, taking actual pleasure in the idea of their eternal torture, well, this is not a Christian value or concept.
Now, I know you are just trolling (and being a very dedicated and consistant one, at that!), but sadly, there are people out there who do take pleasure in the idea of the eternal torture of other human beings. Mainly out of a sense of sheer terrified relief that it isn't them (literally the "There But For The Grace Of God" reaction), or a sense of validation that God hates all the same people they hate.
Either way, this attitude is based on fear and hatred, two things that Jesus Himself would not encourage in you by any means...
2. It is very telling that the "god" your fictional persona worships takes such pleasure and joy in destroying and condemning people to eternal torture. I get the idea that this Moloch-clone spends his weekends with his feet propped up on the couch watching all the "sinners" suffer, munching popcorn, drinking beer, and laughing at the pain he is inflicting.
This god you have created is a petty, sadistic asshole, and it is very interesting that this is the god you have chosen for your fictional troll persona.
But in the end, I do have to give you props on being one of the most skilled trolls we have yet to see here! BCF could learn a lot from you.