Homesexuality remains to be a bombination before God
I can honestly say that I have no idea what "Homesexuality" or "bombination" means, I can only conclude that you must be either illiterate, an idiot, or both.
this Country allows same-sex marriages in the future then our Country is going to fall
Why? Homosexuality has never in all of history caused any other country to "fall"
Homesexuals+Marriage=Adopting children.
Mostly all homosexuals aren't Christians due to non-acceptance, and their 'ways
And you say that like it's their fault that you fundies are intolerant, bigoted, hateful assholes.
children at young ages(more likely to be adopted) would feel that their homosexual guardians 'ways' are acceptable
So? What's your point?
and they would obviously become homosexual themselves
Homosexuality is not a disese, it's not something you can catch, either you are gay, or you are not, it's that simple. One of my best friends was raised by two gays men, guess what? He's not gay, and has never had an interest in anything but women
Our homosexual population is increasing in America
No it isn't. Around 10% of the world population is homosexual, it's been that way for a long, long time. You just think it's increaseing because gays have finally come out en masse because they are sick of being forced to live a lie by the likes of you.
if same-sex marriages are legalized in all states, the next generation of children would be damned
How so? How is allowing same-sex marriage going to damn an entire generation of children to hell? Is your "god" so petty that he would send every single person in an entire generation to hell, just because gay people can get married?
[Begin Rant]
I hear this shit from you fundies all the time, "Same-sex marriage will destroy all marriges.", "same-sex marriage will destroy the country." or "same-sex marriage will send people to hell." But I've never heard a single one of you idiots tell me just how all this is going to happen. Your sole intent is to deny happiness to people who aren't like you, who don't belive like you, You're petty and bigoted and that's all there is to it. You preach "love thy neighbor" but all you practice is "Hate that which is not like me." You persecute others and then you cry persecution whenever someone disagrees with you. You are are disgrace to your country, your religion, and the human race.
[End Rant]