GAY MARRIAGE DENIES FREE CHOICE: Keep the government's religious beliefs to the four walls of their buildings, or they should be taxed. A business owner should be totally free (no unconstitutional “civil rights” laws) to give benefits and perks (with discrimination) to (i.e. health insurance) whosoever they employ;
In other words, if you do not believe a homosexual marriage is valid and constitutes a family, you would be totally free not to pay for a homosexuals health care even though you pay for those of heterosexual families you employ, but homosexual marriages and other unnatural marriages should be banned (even under common law) because they violate the laws of nature. This is a freedom that should apply to ANY business owner, as Jesus says in Matthew 20:15: “Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?”
ATHEIST MARRIAGE DENIES FREE CHOICE: Keep the government's anti-religious beliefs to the four walls of their buildings, or they should be taxed. A business owner should be totally free (no unconstitutional “civil rights” laws) to give benefits and perks (with discrimination) to (i.e. health insurance) whosoever they employ;
In other words, if you do not believe a non-religious marriage is valid and constitutes a family, you would be totally free not to pay for an atheist's health care even though you pay for those of religious families you employ, but non-religious marriages and other unnatural marriages should be banned (even under common law) because they violate the laws of nature. This is a freedom that should apply to ANY business owner, as Jesus says in Matthew 20:15: “Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?”
Why does someone's marital status have anything to do with whether they need medical treatment? That's because your religious beliefs dictate that homosexuals should not get marred and you want to punish them? And you want the government to enforce that for you? So, by saying Keep the government's religious beliefs to the four walls of their buildings , what you mean is that you want the government to interfere in people's lives unless it disagrees with you.
Funny how your kind deals in constitutional rights and laws right up until they come back to bite you in the ass. Then suddenly it's all about how other people don't have the very rights you've been laying claim to and how the law needs to be kept out of the matter. You can't even keep to one position over the course of four measly sentences. Now that our laws are no longer so biased in your favor you suddenly want to reject them and trumpet some vague concept of "natural law" instead, not even realizing that what we observe of nature -- specifically human and general, alike -- already supports what you're dubbing a violation of it. Idiotic fucking hypocrites, every last damn one of you.
And you don't own your employees. The fact that you think you do is very telling of just how deep your issues run.
@Mister Spak :
I guess that's the libertarian ideal: Run a business and treat your employees any way you'd like, and if people object to it then your business would fail on its own instead of requiring governmental enforcement of the laws.
Maybe, just maybe, this would work in a perfectly egalitarian society with no monopoly. Reality, however, is a great deal bitchier than that.
Would you also like to be able to pay the men you employee more than the women? Maybe offer married men more than single men? Give health insurance only to men with families? Fire women who become pregnant?
You have a right to dictate terms to employees during working hours, in things related to their employment. You don't have the right to dictate anything they do during their off-hours or when they're not on company business.
Yet, when there have been instances of businesses prohibiting Christian jewelry from being worn you do not accept the choice of the business owner to establish their own code of ethics and suitable dress. You again whine about Christian persecution and a culture where political correctness has gone mad.
You can't have it both ways. Either you support the businessmen and women for discriminating against those that they disagree with, regardless of the victim, or you fight for the right of the employee/customer to have the rights to live openly and freely despite their ethnicity, sexuality, religion or whatever.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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