liberals hate anything that has to do with Christianity! we must get liberal judges out of the courtroom.
If a country is close to 80% Christian and maybe half liberal, it's impossible for all liberals to hate Christians.
Fundies are so bad at math.
So conservatives are all about the whole being welcoming to refugees as per Matthew, Leviticus AND Ezekiel? Or giving to the poor as per Matthew and Ezekiel? Or adhering to god putting world leaders in charge as per Romans? Though I am sure it is only in your interpretation of Christianity they hate. And we must have neutral (well if we can use the D&D alignment though it is not a great source as humans are more complex, Lawful Neutral) judges. Neither liberal nor conservative.
liberals hate anything that has to do with Christianity! we must get liberal judges out of the courtroom
Conservative [I]Christian[/I] Judge John E. Jones III . Personally appointed to the Federal bench in 2002 by Conservative Christian George Dumbya Bush. In turn, voted in - twice - by Conservative Christians. Question: Did you vote Democrat in 2000 & 2004...?!
Because if your answer is 'Yes' - in which case you're a liberal too, and we shouldn't be having this conversation - enjoy your MC Escher-esque multi-dimensional paradox.
Hows that workin' out for you the South?
Child molester and wife beaters, racist violence and record fraud cases, all released and freed to do it again by 'good conservative Christian judges'
Enjoying your bankruptsy Ark Park Kentucky?
'good conservative Christian judges' did that to you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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