"4 in 5 Latinos are US citizens"? If you consider anchor baby citizenship, Reagan amnesty, other ways of fraudulently coming here, and all those other Hispanics who lived here illegally for 20 years before obtaining a green card, sure! How many Latinos actually waited their turn down in Latin America before coming here??? I'm not sure I've ever met a Hispanic who did such a thing! I don't know any Hispanics who actually came here completely legally. They ALL cut to the front of the line!
I am not even going to get into how they have destroyed my city and states through their undercutting wages and jobs, stealing social security numbers, requiring everything in Spanish, abusing social services, hit and runs, crime and everything else that comes from them. Also they are much larger than only 18% of the country. The statistics are manipulated so whites aren't worried about the Hispanic ever-growing invasion. Last but not least as to college graduates among them, college admission was made easier in California to accommodate the Hispanic invasion.
Latin America and its people are terrific, but I'm concerned that Latinos in the U.S. are getting proselytized by the globalists, Marxists, and black radicals into the cult of anti-Western and anti-Caucasian sentiment.
You wouldn't have such sentiments if you had lived in a place where they have taken over and destroyed. I have nothing terrific to say about them anymore.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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