Legendarywristcel #racist #sexist incels.is

RE: Discussion Fem33yo virgin pajeet on dr. Phil

33-Year-Old Virgin Wants to Know Why She Scares Men Away

JFL she's my age and looks 10 years older.

She wants white Chad

Shes gross looking though. No chad is going to fuck her.

This is quite rare for a curryfoid, wanting to stay a virgin and only do it with a guy she intends to marry. But she should have just gone for her father's arranged marriage, she won't find any Chad who is not going to pump and dump.

Id reject this foid in arranged marriage too. Imagine betabuxxing for an ugly curry foid JFL.

She isn't that bad looking for a currywhore, but the point is that unless she is lying about her virginity, it is at least a sign of good character that she wants to remain a virgin until she finds the person she wants to marry. Leaving aside this particular foid, would the incel problem be anywhere near as bad if every single foid thought like this?

If she was a few years younger (arnd 25ish) and a virgin, i wouldnt mind doing her.

She should have gone with the arranged marriage at 22, instead I bet she kept waiting for some white Chad to not use her as simply his cum dumpster. Ethnic foids would rather be volcel for the remainder of their lives than get with a man of their own race that isn't 95th percentile

True. I see a lot of curry roasties where i live either single or divorced, but still looking for giga chads. They wont touch me with a 100 foot pole though.



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